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Land Acquisition & Land Alienation in India | Select Case Studies


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Land has been an important part of human life. Land Reforms remain quintessential for social and gender justice. Land consolidation resulted in a highly inequitable society. India was among those very few nations that decided to abolish Zamindari and provide land rights to rural poor immediately after it became a republic in 1950.

ISBN : 978-81-932525-0-5
Number of pages : 131
Year of Publication: 2016
DescriptionLand has been an important part of human life. Land Reforms remain quintessential for social and gender justice. Land consolidation resulted in a highly inequitable society. India was among those very few nations that decided to abolish Zamindari and provide land rights to rural poor immediately after it became a republic in 1950. The government further went forward with its socialist agenda and brought in the Land Ceiling Act to provide land to the last person in our society. Vidya Bhushan Rawat is a political commentator, freethinker, radical humanist, and Human rights activist with over 20 years of work with various social movements and communities all over the country, on issues of hunger and starvation, land rights of tribals and Dalits. Women’s issues. He was one of the members of the solidarity committee on the Right to Food in India which is spearheading the campaign for the Food Security Bill in India.
Book FormatPaper Book, E Book
AuthorVidya Bhushan Rawat
Year of Publishing2016
Number of pages131

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Paper Book

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