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The Conflicts of freedom of expression and religion


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Explored perception of Hindu and Muslim graduate students in three universities, located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, particularly on the conflict between freedom of expression and religious intolerance. This book shows India’s response in tolerating religion over freedom of expression as a product of its unique multicultural situation where dialogues among communities is dialogically constituted and collective principles are generated within a particular moral and political structure.

ISBN : 978-81-934714-5-6
Number of pages : 118
Year of Publication: 2010
DescriptionExplored perception of Hindu and Muslim graduate students in three universities, located in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, particularly on the conflict between freedom of expression and religious intolerance. This book shows India’s response in tolerating religion over freedom of expression as a product of its unique multicultural situation where dialogues among communities is dialogically constituted and collective principles are generated within a particular moral and political structure.
Book FormatPaper Book, E Book
AuthorAmit Singh
Year of Publishing2010
Number of pages118

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Paper Book

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