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When fascism knocks on our door we have only two choices. To succumb to our fate and surrender meekly, To fight back with all our means. It’s time India took a decision. To surrender or fight back is the question. Surrender is not an option and it is also against human nature. Our reflexive action is to fight back

ISBN : 978-81-932525-8-1
Number of pages : 217
Year of Publication: 2017
DescriptionWhen fascism knocks on our door we have only two choices. To succumb to our fate and surrender meekly, To fight back with all our means. It’s time India took a decision. To surrender or fight back is the question. Surrender is not an option and it is also against human nature. Our reflexive action is to fight back. We’ve to go back to the basic nature of the Republic and fight to win back the Idea of India that the founders of this nation imagined.
Book FormatPaper Book, E Book
AuthorBinu Mathew
Year of Publishing2017
Number of pages217

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Paper Book

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