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Missing ‘Vikas’ | In the Gujarat Model


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Description :

The book in a very lucid manner takes us through historical and contemporary narratives exposing the politics of exclusion embedded in “Gujarat Development Model”. It takes into account historical backdrop of revivalist movement in medieval times, Gandhi, independence struggle and Nationalist movement in Gujarat. Followed by the rise of Modi and neoliberal reforms under his regime and new forms of alignments with capitalists.

ISBN : 978-81-934714-0-1
Number of pages : 130
Year of Publication: 2017
DescriptionThe book in a very lucid manner takes us through historical and contemporary narratives exposing the politics of exclusion embedded in “Gujarat Development Model”. It takes into account historical backdrop of revivalist movement in medieval times, Gandhi, independence struggle and Nationalist movement in Gujarat. Followed by the rise of Modi and neoliberal reforms under his regime and new forms of alignments with capitalists.
Book FormatPaper Book, E Book
AuthorDr. Uday Mehta
Year of Publishing2017
Number of pages130

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Paper Book

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